Why is Proper Hydration Important?

Why is Proper Hydration Important?

With health and fitness becoming increasingly important parts of public discourse, there are a wide array of “health tips” and diets that are designed to help you feel great. With all of the variety, it can be easy to miss out on the basic fundamentals of healthy living and receive wrong information. One of the most important things you can do for your health is to ensure that you are drinking enough water. As a health-oriented family running a thriving business, we are always sure to do all we can to stay healthy, we make it a point to drink the daily recommended amount of water.

The daily recommended intake of water for most people is half of your body weight in ounces. This can vary quite a bit depending upon body weight and activity level, however it is a good general guideline to keep in mind. Proper hydration is absolutely vital to attaining and maintaining good health. At Teachout Chiropractic, we strive to help our patients live the healthiest and happiest lives possible! With that goal in mind, we’ve taken the time to explain below why, exactly, your hydration is so important.


Is water really that important?

This is one of the most commonly asked questions we encounter. It should be noted that hydration really is vital to your health. While you might be able to function without drinking water for a day or so, doing so can cause a variety of negative consequences. This is because all of the major systems in your body need water to thrive. While your whole body needs water to thrive, what benefits most is the:

  • Brain
  • Heart
  • Muscles
  • Cells
  • Bowels

Water helps carry the nutrients your need to thrive to your cells, for example, which in turn control how your body functions. Water also flushes harmful substances like bacteria from the bladder and even works to prevent constipation and keep your bowels functioning smoothly and regularly. In short, water is the substance that keeps your body running. Without it, things begin to break down and your health will inevitably decline.


What happens if I don’t drink enough water?

You know that water is important to major systems in your body (and, therefore, your body as a whole), but what could happen if you don’t drink enough water?

If you fail to consume the daily recommended amount of water, you might encounter a variety of health issues as a result. Dehydration is the primary concern. One of the main indicators of dehydration is darkly-colored urine. When you consume enough water, your urine is generally light yellow or clear. If your urine is dark yellow or amber, you might be dehydrated and should drink more water.

In addition, dehydration can impact many other bodily functions. Your ability to think clearly, for example, can be impacted by drinking too little water. So, can your ability to stay energized throughout the day. Dehydration can also lead to headaches, dizziness, and dry mouth. Note that these are all short-term consequences of dehydration. These are issues you might experience during the day if you become a bit dehydrated and are a major indicator to drink more water!

If your dehydration is not resolved promptly and you end up chronically dehydrated, you are at an increased risk for a number of health problems. These include:

  • Brain Damage
  • Heart Problems
  • Cell Damage

Other symptoms of dehydration include constipation, high blood pressure, chronic fatigue, weight gain, bladder and/or kidney issues, gastrointestinal issues and even joint pain.

How can I stay hydrated?

The most obvious way to maintain proper hydration is by drinking enough water. This means consuming at least half your body weight in ounces. This is right around two liters of water at least. To better determine the specific amount of water that you should be consuming, do the math! If you weight 150 pounds, for example, then you should consume 75 ounces of water throughout the day.  

Other considerations to keep in mind regarding water intake is that things like exercise or illness can lead to abnormal water loss. This makes sense. If you are exercising often, you lose water in the process via perspiration. This is water that you would not otherwise have lost, so you have to go out of your way to replace it. This is especially important in our warm, balmy climate… the locals know that you don’t have to exercise to break a sweat in Fort Myers, Fl! In addition, things like vomiting can also rapidly decrease your bodies water supply. Make sure to increase your fluid intake in either of the above situations.

Living a healthier lifestyle is exciting! If you would like more information on how to live the healthiest and happiest life possible, reach out to Teachout Chiropractic today! Dr. Teachout and the rest of the knowledgeable staff love what we do! We are eager to speak with potential patients in Fort Myers to help you discover and reach your fitness goals and discuss how we can help you thrive.